
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Qwinsta Rwinsta - How to find Remote Desktop (Terminal Services) Sessions

I recently had to RDP into a Windows 2003 server to make a quick change.  Unfortunately, i was met with the old "exceeded the maximum connections" prompt:

To find out who's logged in, run the following command:
 qwinsta /server:<server name or IP address>

To disconnect the session run the following command:
rwinsta <ID> /server:<server name or IP address>

Using the output of the previous command, insert the <ID> of the user you wish to disconnect

vCenter Update Manager - Check New Notifications - Queued

I recently had HEAPS of Check new notifications tasks in the Queued state.

To resolve this, just restart the VMware vCenter Update Manager Service.

That's it.  The task completed successfully the next run.