
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Quick Tip: Faster way of logging into a server using a local account

I was working with a co-worker and noticed he was logging into a w2k8r2 server using a local account and typing in the entire server name and user account.

Instead of typing in the local server name just use the following:
Faster, simpler and more accurate!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Powershell fix: The trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed

We're a heavily virtualized shop.  To save on host resources, we often shutdown Test/Dev/Staging/template servers that are not in use.

One of the drawbacks of this is I would often receive the following error when powering on a server that has been off the network for a while:

The error is often due to the computer password no longer matching the one in Active Directory.   This is caused by the computer being offline for a while, or when reverting to an old snapshot or backup.

In the past, I've been removing the server from AD and rejoining the domain.  As the number of these occurances have increased, I've been leveraging powershell to fix this issue as quickly and efficiently as possible. 

To resolve this issue, log into the offending server using the local admin account.  Launch Powershell as an administrator and run the following cmdlet:

Reset-ComputerMachinePassword [-Credential <PSCredential> ] [-Server <String> ] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [ <CommonParameters>]

For -server, enter your the domain controller.

Enter the password when prompted and reboot.  You will now be able to log into the server using domain credentials.

If you're using a version of powershell below 3, you'll receive the following error:

Reset-ComputerMachinePassword : A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name 'credential'.

In that case, I typically fall back to the old Netdom command:

netdom resetpwd /s:server /ud:domain\User /pd:*
netdom resetpwd /server:server /userD:domain\User /PasswordD *

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Security Warning - Run only scripts that you trust.

Ok, I'm embarrassed about this one...  I was receiving the following prompt and it took me a sec to sort this one out.
To disable the above warning, perform one of the following:
1. Unblock the file through the GUI:
2.  Use the Powershell unblock-file cmdlet

How to schedule PowerShell Scripts with Parameters

The global VMware admins at the company I work at needed a mechanism to monitor the membership of AD groups associated with the virtual environment.

The following script by Francois-Xavier Cat fit the bill perfectly!  (Thanks again!)

Setup was simple and it ran perfectly in the Powershell ISE.  However, when it came time to scheduling it in Windows Task Scheduler, I had a bit of trouble.  It turn out, escape characters (ex. \) are needed for it to run properly.

In the Program/script field enter the following:

In the Add arguments field, the following was entered:

-command "D:\MyFolder\TOOL-MONITOR-AD_Group_20131127.ps1 -group \"group01\",\"group02\",\"group03\" -EmailFrom -Emailto \"\",\"\",\"\" -emailserver