
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Raspberry Pi 2 - How to install OpenELEC Kodi

*** Update March 5th 2017 - Another option is to use LibreElec to quickly install KODI on your Raspberry Pi.  Quick and easy install.

*** Update Aug 13th 2016 - An easier method of getting KODI installed on your Pi is to use OSMC.

AKA: How to spend $125 on a $35 computer.

Some of my buddies asked how I set up my Raspberry Pi 2 media center.  So, I figured I do a quick write up.

Since this Pi will be used strictly for Media Center duties, I chose to use OpenELEC.  It runs JeOS and quickly transforms your Raspberry Pi into a Kodi media center.

Initially, I was trying to piece together the system using existing parts from my "Boneyard".  However, after pricing out the accessories I still needed, I figured it was easier to purchase the following Vilros starter kit through Amazon.

Here's a pic of the PI in the Vilros case with Heat Sink Installed.
Alright, lets get started...

1. Insert your SD card into the card reader of your Windows Client.

2. Download, extract and run the setup of SD Formatter 4.0.

3. **Confirm you have selected the appropriate drive containing the SD Card to be formatted before proceeding** 

Launch SD Formatter and select the appropriated drive. Click Format.

Note: The card provided in the kit shows up as only 814MB.  Don't worry, 7.41GB will be recognized after formatting.

4. Download the Raspberry Pi Build of OpenELEC from the following link (Make sure you download the correct Disk Image for your model of Pi):

Use 7-Zip to extract the GZ file.

5. Download, install and launch. Win32 Disk Imager:

Select the OpenELEC .img file and Device.  Then select Write.

**One again, confirm you have selected the appropriate Device**

6. Eject your newly imaged SD card and insert it into your Raspberry Pi 2.  Power on your Pi.

7. Go through the OpenELEC setup wizard. 

8. To setup your wifi:  

System > OpenELEC > Network > Wireless Networks - Active

9. To connect to your Wifi:

 System > OpenELEC > Connections > Conect to your Wifi network.

10. Set your time:

System > Settings > Appearance > International.  Select the appropriate Timezone country and Timezone. 

11.  That's it, the basic setup is now complete.   Now install some great Add-Ons!