
Sunday, May 17, 2020

Repairing Mego Buck Rogers Action Figures

During the Shelter In Place, I've been cleaning up the house and going through my childhood "Treasures".  

A bit of background - After Star Wars, there were a bunch of sci fi TV shows and movies like Alien, Battlestar Galactica, The Black Hole and off course Buck Rogers.

The "Buck Rogers in the 25th Century" TV Series ran for 2 seasons starting in 1979.  As a 7 year old I absolutely loved this show.  I totally had a crush on Erin Gray who played colonel Wilma Deering on the show.

All my Star Wars action figures were still intact, but my Buck Rogers action figures didn't fare as well.  It appears that over time, the rubber band holding the figure together begins to dry rot and snap. 

It's a quick fix,  just an inexpensive O-Ring and a single Philips head screw. 

Twiki used a #7 O-Ring
O.D    1/2"
I.D.     3/8"
Wall    1/16"

Buck Rogers used a #11 O-Ring
O.D    3.4"
I.D.     9/16"
Wall    3/32"