I've been playing with the VMware vCenter Server Appliance and stumbled across the following error while setting up the vCenter Database:
Error: VPXD must be stopped to perform this operation.
To resolve this issue, ssh into the vCenter Server Appliance and run the following command:
vCenter Server Appliance:~ # chkconfig
after.local off
apache2 off
atftpd off
auditd on
### actual output cut..
vmware-inventoryservice off
vmware-netdumper on
vmware-rbd-watchdog off
vmware-sps off
vmware-tools on
vmware-vpxd on
vsphere-client on
xinetd off
ypbind off
Confirm that the vmware-vpxd service is "on". Then, run the following:
vCenter Server Appliance:~ # chkconfig vmware-vpxd off
Perform the needed function, then run the following to restart the vpxd service:
vCenter Server Appliance:~ # chkconfig vmware-vpxd on
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