
Thursday, March 30, 2017

How to patch a standalone ESXi 6.5 host

We received an email from Homeland Security regarding a severe vulnerability in ESXi that could allow a guest to execute code on an ESXi host. VMSA-2017-0006

Patching is swift and easy using VMware Update Manager.  However, I recently stood up a standalone vSphere Hypervisor 6.5 host for testing.

For the record, ESXi patches are cumulative.

Here are the steps I took to patch this host.

1. Download applicable patches (Log in required). 

Edit:  On Jan 10th 2018, I had to use the following link:

2. Upload the patches into the local datastore of the host you wish to patch.   I placed them in a folder called "patches" in the datastore:

3. Place the host in Maintenance Mode.

4. Enable ESXi Shell/SSH and log into the server.

5.  Run the following command for each patch to be installed:
esxcli software vib install -d "/vmfs/volumes/Datastore/DirectoryName/" 

6. Run the reboot command.

7. Confirm the patches have been installed by running:
vmware -vl

Or, by looking at the version in the client:

8. Disable ESXi Shell/SSH

9.  Exit Maintenance mode and confirm functionality.


  1. Thank you very much for this. I was looking for a simple and concise walk-through on how to patch my single ESXi host, and this worked perfectly.

    Thanks again

  2. The images aren't showing but I was still able to use your instructions to perform the command line updates. Thanks much!

  3. March 2018 (a year later) and the topic is still relative and the data is accurate!! Thank you the post. It worked very and saved me a lot of time. Appreciate it..

  4. Thank You !

    Do you know of a similar procedure for HP updates on this standalone host? I cannot find a nice ZIP with everything in it, just MANY individual vib files.

  5. Just wanted to thank you as this is a great overview and still a top search result, and add:
    If you are running a custom image, like a "Dell ISO" version of ESXi, do not use "install". Instead, use "update" in it's place to make sure any vendor specific drivers are retained.
