
Monday, March 27, 2017

vCenter Server Database: How to Change the Driver used by the System DSN

While running the Vmware Migration Assistant Prechecks, I was prompted with the following error:

Unsupported database driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\msodbcsql11.dll

It appears the System DSN used to connect to our vCenter Server DB was running the ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server.  To resolve this warning, we need to change the driver used for the DSN to SQL Server Native Client 11.0.

To change the driver used by the System DSN perform the following steps:

1. Capture all the information regarding the existing DSN.  (DSN name, SQL server, SQL Server login info, Default DB etc)

2. Create a snapshot of the vCenter server and DB.

3.  Install the SQL Server Native Client 11.0. if you haven't already.

3. Gracefully stop the vCenter Server Service.

4. Remove the existing System DSN:

5. Create a new Data Source using the SQL Server Native Client 11.0.

6. Input the information used for the previous DSN and test the connection.

7. Create a backup of the registry

8. Run RegEdit and go to the following location:

9. Select the DSN Driver string and manually enter the DSN Driver Name.

10. Confirm the settings and exit Regedit.

11. Reboot the vCenter server and confirm the vCenter Service starts up properly.

12.  Test vCenter functionality and remove snapshot.

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